Now Available

#AYN2K is a new series of user friendly guides, designed for people who put on or produce shows in professional venues, available in eBook, PDF and printed versions.
The Dance Studio Edition is the first in this series and has been especially written for dance teachers, choreographers and studio owners to give a better understanding of the often intimidating technical jargon and terminology that you will come across when working with professional technicians.
It is written in a simple, very non technical style and covers everything you need to know to putting on your show from a technical perspective.
It is full of information about how to get the most out of your time in the venue and important questions you should be asking. Chapters include booking a venue, staging, lighting, sound, basic editing, video projection, special effects, stage terminology, stage geography, how to call a show, copyright, child licensing, chaperones and much more. By purchasing the book, you also get free access to online videos, tutorials and useful downloads as well as discounts to the editing services.
Even if you have been putting shows on for years, technology is constantly changing. Not only will this book teach you things you hadn't even thought about, increase your knowledge, it could also help save a lot of time, and ultimately, money.